If you are feeling low or anxious and need to talk to somebody in person, please contact one of our surgeries.
Our team will try to listen and help you. If you feel you need to speak to a doctor about low mood and mental health issues, reach out to our reception team who will look for the next available appointment.
If the surgery is closed but you need to contact somebody, Samaritans is available 24/7 on 116 123 and the NHS 111 line can direct you to out of hours services if you need a clinicians help.
You are not alone.

Click here to go to the NHS Mental Health and Wellbeing page. There are self assessments and audio guides to help support you.

Click Here if you’ve had a mental health problem and been off or out of work, you may worry about going back. This NHS page aims to helps you by explaining the benefits to your mental health, where to find support and your rights as an employee.

Click Here to download the ‘Guidance for the Illness of Depression’ leaflet.
Local Support Services
Nottinghamshire Talking Therapies
Nottinghamahire Talking Therapies provides a range of suppport to thousands of people to help them to improve heir mood and find ways to manage.
If you are age 17 and half years and over and registered with a GP in Nottingham, Bassetlaw, or Nottinghamshire they can help you find the tools you need to get life back on track
Contact them free and confidential or you can self refer without the need to speak to a GP.
Follow the link here to visit their website
Call: 0333 188 1060
Email: notts.iapt.admin@notts-talk.co.uk

Click Above to complete the online self referral form.
nsight IAPT
Insight IAPT has a self referral form available HERE.
This service aims to help provide treatment for anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, relationship problems and many other conditions.
Visit the Insight IAPT website HERE or alternitavely, call:
0300 555 5580 – Derby & Derbyshire
0300 555 5582 – Nottinghamshire
Crisis Sanctuaries
Nottinghamshire Crisis Sanctuaries can help you with support, information and guidance if you are over 18 years old and experiencing mental health issues or in a mental health crisis.
Trained crisis intervention workers provide recovery focussed crisis support and onward community referrals can be made if required.
Available 4pm – 7pm 7 days a week
Call: 0115 844 1846
You can also drop in to any of the following places:
- Beeston – Yellow Wood Cafe, Chilwell Road: 6pm to 11pm Monday to Sunday
- Mansfield – top of St John Street: 4pm to 9pm Monday to Sunday
- Worksop – Hardy Street: 5pm to 10pm Wednesday and Sunday
- Nottingham City – the Wellbeing Hub, 73 Hounds Gate: 6pm to 11pm Monday to Sunday
Text Notts
24/7 free and confidential mental health support via text messaging support service ‘Shout’ for all ages.
Text Notts to 85258
Crisis Line
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire have a crisis line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people of all ages.
You can speak with a mental health professional and they can also advise you about other services, which can help you.
Call: 0808 196 3779
Skype address BSLnotts available for deaf or had of hearing (available 9-5)
National Support Services
Rethink provide expert, accredited advice and information to everyone affected by mental health problems.
Email: info@rethink.org
Telephone: 0300 5000 927
Website: www.rethink.org
Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Telephone: 116 123
Website: www.samaritans.org
Help for Children, Young People & Parents
“Our newly launched website provides local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.”
“Tips for self-care for young people and resources for parents looking after their child or young person’s mental health.”
“Be U Notts is a free, accessible and convenient mental health and emotional wellbeing support service for Children and Young People between 0-25 years of age and their parent/ carers in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County (except Bassetlaw)”
Practical and emotional support, or long/short term therapy based in Nottinghamshire. Referral line: 0115 880 0280 or info@harmless.org.uk
“Short term practical and emotional support based in Nottinghamshire. Contact 0115 880 0280 or email crisis@tomorrowproject.org.uk
Also providing support for people who have been exposed to suicide (friends, family members, colleagues, professionals, members of the public)”
Are you an adult with a diagnosis of autism and have (or had) symptoms of anxiety?
If so, it may be suitable for you to take part in a study called STRATA (SerTRaline for AnxieTy in adults with Autism).
STRATA aims to find out whether the medication sertraline is an effective treatment for anxiety in adults with a diagnosis of autism.
They aim to enrol 306 autistic adults (aged ≥18 years, without a learning disability or with a mild learning disability) to this study, and would like you to consider taking part.
This is a randomised study; participants have a 50% chance of receiving active sertraline capsules, and a 50% chance of receiving placebo (inactive) capsules.
For further information:
- Visit our website (www.bristol.ac.uk/strata),
- Ask your autism specialist
- Contact us: PI: Dr Ganesh Kunjithapatham Staff: Zoe Morgan, Gursharan Aujla, Rebekah Pole & Meera Bentley Telephone: 0116 223 1170 Email: lpt.strata-trial@nhs.net