Annual Reviews
If you have a diagnosis of Diabetes, we will typically offer you an annual review which is usally due around your month of birth. If you are eligible for this and haven’t contacted us to book this, then we will contact you to book the appropriate appointments. You will usually have a blood test a few weeks before speaking with a Nurse and possibly having a foot check too.
Diabetic eye screening
Everyone with diabetes aged 12 or over should be invited to have their eyes screened once a year.
If you have diabetes, your eyes are at risk from diabetic retinopathy, a condition that can lead to sight loss if it’s not treated.
Screening, which involves a 30-minute check to examine the back of the eyes, is a way of detecting the condition early so it can be treated more effectively.
Diabetic eye screening is changing
If your last 2 diabetic eye screens found no sign of diabetic retinopathy, you will now be invited for screening every 2 years. This follows expert advice
Diabetic eye screening is important as it helps to prevent sight loss. Have regular eye tests and consult your optometrist or optician if you notice changes in your sight.
Read more about diabetic eye screening.
Diabetic Support Group Newsletters for the Rushcliffe Locality
This issue contains information about:
- Support services updates
- Get to know HBA1C
- NHS low calorie program
- Q&A with retinal screening
- Ramadan & Diabetes
- South Notts befriending service
- Gardening and allotments
Global Diabetes Community
There is a online community aimed at helping and supporting others with diabetes. If you would like to visit the website, click HERE.
Diabetes UK
Click HERE to visit the Diabetes UK website where you can find lots of helpful information about how to manage and live with diabetes.

Diabetes and You
For more information about diabetes visit the NHS website by clicking here.
If you need to discuss how diabetes is directly impacting your health, then please contact reception who can book an appointment with one of our practice nurses for you.