Self Certification Sick/Fit Note
There has been a change to the temporary ruling of issuing sick notes
From the 27th January 2022:
If you have been ill for 7 DAYS OR LESS you don’t need to see a Doctor, you can complete a Self-Certification form yourself.
Many employers have their own self-certification forms. If your employer doesn’t have its own form you can download the Self Certification Form. Please print it, fill it in and hand it in to your employer. You do not need to see a Doctor.
Click the link to Download the Self Certification Form.

Hospital Sick Notes
If you have been seen by a consultant at the hospital who has recommended you to have time off work – you should ask for a sick/fit note whilst you are in the consultation there.
If you are not provided with a sick/fit note at the hospital and it was recommended, you may have to wait for the GP Practice to receive all the relevant documentation from the hospital before they can proceed with completing a sick/fit note for you if it is appropriate to do so.
Need help getting back to work?
You can self refer yourself to Working Well East Midlands, a free, innovative initiative that supports people to achieve their employment goals.
Your Employment Specialist will offer one-to-one support to help you build on your strengths and evidence skills that local employers value.
We also provide support to employed individuals who are either on sick leave or experiencing challenges in the workplace due to their disability or mental health.
For more information visit: Working Well East Midlands