What is a PPG (Patient Group)?

Patient Participation Group allows patients to be involved in looking at the service our Practice group provides.

We welcome patients to join by email or website link as we can easily hear from a more varied cross section of our patients this way.

We will then contact you by email when we have news of any changes that might be coming up at the practice, or anything that requires patient consultation (such as GP survey results, new leaflets and practice changes etc.) 

We also hold PPG meetings to discuss any upcoming important changes such as the recent merger and to hear feedback and ideas that could improve the way our practice works.

If you are interested in becoming a PPG member, please complete an application form found at the bottom of this page 

Joint Patient Connect (Patient Participation Group)

The Joint Patient Connect (PPG) team come together regularly to discuss topics about Village Health Group with members of our surgery teams.

The aim of these meetings is to provide a consistent link between the voices of our patients and VHG to ensure we are providing the best care possible for all of our patients, and to ensure patients are kept up to date with any important news and changes that are upcoming. 

Having a Patient Participation Group allows us to provide answers to questions we may not otherwise have heard being asked in the community as well as hearing fresh ideas from a patient viewpoint.

PPG Members

  • Alec McKee
  • Andy Warren
  • Avril Bagshaw
  • Conrad Oatey
  • David Clarke
  • Douglas Grindlay
  • Gisela Petshler
  • Helen Barrow
  • James McHale
  • Kate McLaughlin
  • Kath Oakley
  • Lesley Coote
  • Liz Maddocks-Brown
  • Lois Lee
  • Louise
  • Martin Clarke
  • Mary Thomas
  • Richard Pickering
  • Sue Hall
  • Tim Corbin
  • Victoria Cluley

Virtual Group

We are looking to develop a “Virtual Group” to enable us to access the views of a wider cross section of the patient population. We are aware that not everyone wants to attend meetings, but some would like to be involved in having a say. The virtual group will be contacted by Email, post, or telephone and asked to fill in questionnaires and reports, and give opinions and comments. They would not receive agendas and reports relating to meetings. Responses provided would be anonymous and confidential.

Virtual Group members will not be given confidential patient information and personal details provided by patients joining will not be divulged to anyone outside the PPG, in line with the confidentiality terms within the full PPG terms of reference.

The group will not be involved with patient complaints, which should be referred to the Village Health Group via the complaint procedure.

We Need You!

Are you 16 years old or over? If you are looking for a way to help improve the service that the surgery offers, why not apply to become a member of the PPG?

It’s free & you will be included in discussions about how to help the practice and it’s services improve. There are virtual meetings held on a regular basis with other PPG members and staff from the surgery. 

We are currently looking to create a more diverse PPG so all of our patients and their needs are represented.

If you are interested, click the “Apply to Join the PPG” button.

It is important to note that the PPG is not a forum for complaints.

Should you wish to make a complaint or suggestion to the practice, please use the usual channels found at the bottom of the webpage.
