If you would like to discuss contraception with a Practice Nurse or GP, contact reception who will arrange an appointment for you.
We do offer Implant and Coil services, but please be aware you may be added to a waiting list for these services and you may be requested to attend specific branch sites. If you would like to have the implant or coil fitted for the first time, please ensure you speak to a GP first so they can discuss with you the appropriate contraception.
Family Planning Association
They are a sexual health charity. They give straightforward information and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to everyone in the UK.
Telephone: 0300 1237123
Click HERE to go to the website.

Getting Contaception
To find out more about how to get contraception, what types of contraception are available and where to get free contraception – Head over to the NHS website by clicking HERE.
Condom, No Condom?
Condom, no condom? is an interactive video on YouTube where you decide what happens.
Just choose what button to click at the end of each section to find out what happens.
Click HERE to go to the first part of the interactive video.